It's been one crazy busy week! I spent most of last week in Asheville, NC with some AMAZING people at Christine Kane's Uplevel You Gold Mastermind Retreat. If you look closely, you may see some ladies you know. I'm sort of hidden in the middle, left. I wonder if you can find me. This was the last of three retreats in a year-long program I invested in last year. As some have heard before, making the decision to invest $10K in a program with people I didn't know much about was a HUGE step for me....especially since I surely didn't have $10K to invest. I remember pondering the decison and realizing that on my own I could do good things, but to excel to where I knew I really could go, I needed to invest in myself and let others help me. I had NO CLUE where the money was going to come from, but I took the leap anyway and couldn't be happier that I did. Fastforward nine months and boy is my world different. The impact the investment has had on my clients, myself and my family is more than I'd ever dreamed. I led companies for most of my career and coach others through running theirs. However, it's much different when it's your own company because there is so much on the line and there are so many details to take care of. When I worked for others I had this bigger than anything vision. I wanted to help everyone and do big grand things. I didn't realize until just this past week that for me, helping just one client get laser focused to be the best they can be is a much grander thing to me than trying to help hundreds I don't know on that deeper level. I used to think I wanted to lead large programs like Christine Kane does and have this grand prescence. What I realize now, though, is that having a grand presence in the minds of a few of my awesome clients is really all I need....and want. That HUGE impact with fewer people gives me more time to enjoy my family, enjoy myself and come to center more often so I can be the best me for my clients, my husband and my kids. The most amazing part of this program is not the 'tools' and training they provide in relation to working our business, it's the awareness and mindset issues they help us work through. Without first getting past the "stuff", we can't fully be who we are meant to be for our clients and our families. As I reflect back on my twenty year career working for others, I am able to see first-hand that I wasn't fully who I was meant to be, mainly because the companies I worked for weren't focused on having me figure out "the stuff". Now that I own my own business, it's awesome to have been able to invest in myself, work through my 'stuff' and see succeess for myself and my clients because of it! So, who am I meant to be and how do I want to be? I want to be calm, peaceful, engaging, impactful, inspiring, compassionate, nurturing and present for my family. I can be all these things by being my true self and giving the best of myself to those few indivuals out there that are ready and willing to take a leap of faith like I did and invest in themselves so they can see the success they dream for in their business as I support them on their journey. If you're that person who is ready for success and willing to invest in themselves, then now is the time to reach out to me and get on a Business Clarity Call. There are exciting things happening at Z&B and now is the time to jump on board. The next Magnify Your Marketing, three week Marketing Planning Program is happening Monday, April 13, 20 and 27. This is the LAST TIME I will be offering this program locally in a large group setting at this low rate and the seats are filling quickly. All future programs will be offered in an intimate VIP Overnight Retreat setting. Anyone who gets on a FREE Business Clarity Call by Wed, April 1st will receive an invitation to the Thurs. April 2nd Maximize Your Momentum Mastermind/Training. No April Fool's's the real thing. I just opened up some more Business Clarity Call slots, so hop onto the website and get yourself scheduled (and tell a friend to get on too and join you!). If you don't find a spot that works for you, email me at [email protected] and we'll make something work.
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