When you get a job with another company, you usually get an employee handbook, or at least an employment contract, outlining what’s expected of you and what the company will provide in return. There are a set of rules you need to follow and those rules are simple and straightforward. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of starting your own business.
In this blog post we’re going to go over some strategies you can use to plot your own path to success, regardless of what anyone else is doing. Perfect Your Goal-Setting SystemsBefore you can plot your path to success, you need to define what success means to you. Only once you define your end goal can you start plotting a path to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. Understand That The Path to Success Is Not a Straight Line
So don’t get discouraged when you don’t immediately find a pot of gold, or when you stumble into a roadblock on your path to success. Recognize that it’s all part of the process and come up with a way to work around that roadblock. Sometimes we can’t see our own path to success because we’re too close to it, in which case it can help to have a coach helping you plot your path and guiding you through the steps. If you’re tired of trying to figure it all out for yourself, it might be time to schedule a FREE clarity call to see if coaching is right for you.
There’s a myth out there that if we’re smart, and we just work hard enough, success will come to us. And yet, most small businesses fail, and it’s not because of a lack of intelligence or a lack of hard work. Many times, it’s simply due to a lack of business strategy. To help you make sure your business doesn’t suffer the fate of so many other small businesses, I’m going to give you five strategies for building a successful business. Develop a Vision for Your Successful BusinessIt’s true that visualizing your goal can help you achieve it, so start by developing a vision for your successful business. Decide what your idea of a successful business looks like. Does it look like you in a corner office managing a team of employees, each of whom manages their own team of employees? Or does it look like you working from home with enough freelance clients to pay your bills, but not enough to stress you out or force you to miss deadlines? Once you know what your definition of success looks like, you can start creating a plan that will help you reach that goal. Take a Look at Your Competitors
Define Your Ideal ClientJust like there are qualities that set you apart from your competitors, there are going to be qualities that set your clients apart from the people who choose to work with your competitors. Identifying those qualities will help you target your ideal client more effectively and create messaging and a marketing strategy for your business that automatically draws your ideal clients to you. Define Your Business GoalsI’ve already written a whole blog post full of goal-setting tips, so I won’t repeat myself here, but I will stress the importance of defining your goals before taking any steps to work towards them. While a vision of what you want your business to look like is a good starting point, it’s not enough to build an action plan. Instead, you need to start with the vision, then define measurable targets you can use to determine whether you’ve achieved that business goal or completed a section of the roadmap towards success. Get Help from a Business Coach
You might have heard the saying that we are often our own worst enemy, and as uncomfortable as it can be to admit that fact, there are plenty of times it turns out to be the case. That’s not to say we are intentionally getting in our own way or that we don’t know what we’re doing, it just means we haven’t been taught how to have a success mindset. It sounds simple, right? Just think your way to success. It is simple, but simple is not the same as easy. Retraining your brain takes work, but before you can put in the work, you need to know the strategies you can use to develop a success mindset. Think of Business Challenges as Opportunitie We all face challenges in business and in life, and there’s an old saying that it’s not the challenges that define us, it’s how we react to them. If we immediately give up and say it’s too hard, we’ll never grow as a person, and that eagerness to learn and grow is a crucial ingredient in a success mindset. So, rather than focusing on all the things keeping you from achieving your goals, try to look at them in a new light and see if you can turn those business challenges into opportunities. Learn About Learning![]() The brain is fascinating, and one of the most interesting things about it is that no two brains work exactly alike. Everyone is different and everyone learns differently. So, if you struggle to understand something or learn a new skill, you’re not stupid, you just need to learn how your brain works and the systems and strategies that help you learn. Then you can implement those strategies to learn whatever skill you need to learn to take your business to the next level. Learn Positive Self-TalkGoing back to what I said in the last section about how you’re not stupid, if you ever find yourself calling yourself bad names, whether it’s stupid or anything else, you need to stop that right now. There’s another quote I like: whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you’re right. Developing a success mindset starts with believing in yourself, and you can’t believe in someone you’re constantly calling bad names. Unfortunately for many of us, negative self-talk has become so habitual we often don’t even realize we’re doing it. So the first step is to realize when you’re using negative self-talk and start coming up with strategies to turn it around. Get Help from a Business Coach
Whether you need help developing a success mindset, or you already know you can succeed if you just had someone showing you the path to success, a FREE clarity call with a Strategy Rockstar is a great way to get started.
![]() Since we just celebrated our country’s Independence Day, it seems only fitting to take some time to think about independence in business. I’m willing to bet that when you started your business you didn’t have dreams of sitting at a desk all day, foregoing events with friends and family in an effort to tackle a mountain of work that never seems to get any smaller no matter how many hours you spend in the office. Unfortunately, that’s the reality many small business owners face. Even worse, many of them never achieve the big goals they have for their business because they’re too busy working in their business instead of strategically working on their business. One of my favorite things about my job is I get to help small business owners create a business they love around a life they love. Your business should serve your life, not the other way around, so let’s talk about some of the ways a coach can help you achieve more independence in business without sacrificing success. Helping You Develop a Business StrategyOne of the things keeping small business owners from living the life of freedom and independence in business they deserve is they don’t always think strategically about their business. When you don’t have an overarching strategy for your business, it can be difficult to communicate the kinds of customers you serve and what sets you apart from your competitors, which makes your marketing and networking efforts less effective. Having a business strategy in place also helps you avoid getting distracted by the latest new, shiny thing. That new social media platform might look exciting, but are your ideal clients hanging out there? Is it really a good use of your time, or should you remain focused on building your presence on the social media platforms where you know your ideal clients already are? Helping You Balance Work and Life![]() Maintaining a business strategy helps you identify what’s a good use of time in your business and which activities you’d be better off either ignoring or handing off to someone else. This ensures all the time you spend on your business is time well spent, meaning you can achieve your business goals faster, leaving you more time to spend with the ones you love. Helping You Build a Successful BusinessIt’s a fact that most small businesses fail in the first few years, and while many of those failures are due to circumstances outside the business owner’s control, many of those businesses could have been successful if they had had the right strategy in place from the beginning. By helping my clients work strategically towards their business goals, I help them build successful businesses and balance work and life! If you’re tired of trying to figure it all out on your own, consider whether it’s time to schedule a FREE clarity call with a Strategy Rockstar who can help you achieve independence in your business so you can have more time to enjoy life.
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