It’s a crazy world we’re currently living in. That’s for sure. A world where we have no idea about what will happen next. A world where much of what is happening is out of our control. A world where things we’ve hoped and dreamed about for years may not take place. A world where routes to revenue may be blocked but ongoing fixed expenses don’t stop. The list goes on and on. For each of us, the list is likely different. So how do we make the best of all this?! Many would say I’m an eternal optimist, always seeing the bright side of things. Although that’s not always true, it is most times. I feel there’s not enough time in the day to stress over things we can’t control. Especially not when doing so takes away moments we could be enjoying. Plus, if you follow Law of Attraction principles, what you think most about, you attract to you. Who the heck wants to attract more negativity?!
Perhaps you or someone in your household isn’t able to work and money isn’t coming in to pay the bills that won’t stop. All these situations likely make it much harder to see the blessings in what’s going on right now. I totally get that and can truly sympathize. However, we can’t control any of these external things going on around us. All we can control is ourselves and how we react. When we react by looking at the blessings we have, even if they are few and far between right now, we get ourselves into a place where solutions begin to appear and the things we do have influence over can start to go in a different direction. So what steps do we take to make the best of all this?
we take time each quarter to do a Quarterly Deep Dive and adjust our plans based on things we’ve learned in the past 90 days. Again, some do this independently through the online course and others do it surrounded by other professionals at the Quarterly Retreat included with my Coaching Club 2.0 program. If you don’t currently have a plan, now is a perfect time to start working on one while we have some pause in our lives. If you’re not sure how to get started, reach out. I’m happy to help. If you do have a plan, look at it and see what’s on there that can easily be pulled to the forefront during this time. For me, it’s enhancing the videos in my online academy. Currently the academy is in a soft launch mode because some of the trainings haven’t yet been adapted for online use. It was part of my business plan to adapt 3 per month and have the academy out of soft launch mode by the start of the summer. This current shutdown gives me more time to record videos and have them edited and posted in the academy. Provided all goes well, the academy will be out of soft launch mode sooner and potentially increase the timeline of heavily promoting my online courses and bring revenue in from them sooner. An additional look at my business plan has me smiling because I’ve intentionally created my offerings to withstand a time of not being able to be in-person a lot for my clients. About a year ago, I had a close family member die of cancer. I spent tons of time at doctor appointments with him and realized that this type of thing will happen more in the future. Since one of my biggest priorities is family, I took a close look at my offerings and ensured that what I was offering could easily be maintained in situations that unexpectedly pulled me away. What a blessing to look back and see this plan now playing out successfully in our current unexpected situation! PLANS & GOALS for your life- Like your business/work, it’s just as important to have plans for your life for many of the reasons listed above. What sorts of things do you want for yourself in terms of health, happiness, travel, wealth, recreation, rest, quality of life? If you have plans for these things, what can you work on now that you have some time? If you don’t have plans for these things, now is a great time to start. As part of the initial “step away” part of the process, I sat down the other day and watched a DVD from Jack Canfield called Living the Law of Attraction: Creating the Life of Your Dreams. It was a great way to reflect on plans I have in these areas and to make adjustments. Your BUDGET- This is a great time to take a look at your business and personal budget. Where can you cut expenses in both budgets? Are there places you normally pay that have postponed payments during this time?
Opportunities for PERSONAL GROWTH- Personal growth is similar to learning and developing your business. Take advantage of what’s being shared, but be cautious to not get overwhelmed by trying it all. Also remember to check what you already have in your home that may help you in the area of growth that you simply haven’t had a chance to get around to using yet. Have you been looking to mediate more or maybe cook healthier meals or exercise more? All these things can be done during this time of shutdown. What a blessing! Those are all things that have been on my list for awhile. I’ll be taking time to focus on them during this time. Since my family shares the goals of exercise and eating well, I’ll be working with them on the goals which will make it more fun! Opportunities to GET THINGS DONE AT HOME- I don’t know about you, but I have TONS of projects sitting around at home that are unfinished due to the busyness of kids, life and the business. I got through many of them during the two week holiday break, but didn’t get to finish all of them. I’ve tried to get back to them since but there just hasn’t been time. Thanks to current situations, now there is! The first on my tackle list was going through the fridge and pantries so I can better enjoy cooking more meals. So glad that’s now off the list and looking forward to tackling others. I do realize, though, that in order to be able to tackle a lot of them, I am going to have to make a habit of limiting my time on Facebook. I’ve quickly seen just how easy it can be to spend a lot of my time there seeing what everyone is up to and then no longer having time to do projects on my list. That’s not to say that Facebook is a bad thing because for many it’s the way they are staying sane and connected during these times and it’s very good for them. Whether it’s ‘bad’ or ‘good’ depends on each individual's goals/priorities/preferences and how it meets or doesn’t meet them. Yet another example of how being aware of your business and personal goals can prove helpful in making decisions about how to spend your time. On a personal note, I’ve seen tons of coaches hopping to Facebook lately to provide guidance and wisdom to people and it’s a beautiful thing to see. I was tempted to do the same when all this started, but as I revisited my goals and priorities for my life and business I realized that wasn’t the best approach for me personally or for my business or my family. Instead, I reached out to clients, stayed present with family, and took time to reflect and renew; trusting in the fact that the people God wants me to serve will show up in the right time and I don’t need to do me or my business differently to avoid financial impact. I was able to confidently do that because I have a solid plan for my business and life and am clear on what I want each to look like and how they blend together for good for my family. Opportunities to REACH OUT TO PEOPLE- Who haven’t you talked to in awhile that you can reach out to? In business there may be people you’ve met through networking, past clients, current clients, referral partners.
I encourage clients to spend 15 minutes a day, every day, to ensure they have a constant funnel of people for their business. Check out the training to learn more. Opportunities to CLEAN THINGS UP ADMINISTRATIVELY- I’m at year 6 or so in my business and there’s been TONS of change and flux during that time. As I’m sure you can imagine, there are a bunch of computer and paper files that are no longer relevant to the current way I do business. As part of my video/course update project, I’m cleaning up paper and electronic files. Over the holidays, I tackled a bunch of the paper files and it felt so good. There was so much that I filled an entire tall recycling tub just with papers, plus shredded a large box as well. There was just a little left to finish and it was all related to my online courses so that’s being tackled before the video/course update project. Once that’s done I’ll shift into electronic files that weren’t fixed during the video/course update project. Normally I’d go through receipts and upload them to quickbooks during this time but I’m happy to say that we tackled catching up on that project just after the two week break over the holidays. Another project on my tackle list is cleaning up contact and photo files.
Next, CREATE A PLAN for the unknown time ahead- After having spent time considering the many areas above, you should have a fairly good idea of the kind of things you can do in the days ahead, as well as the order to tackle them in. WRITE YOUR PLAN DOWN and keep it somewhere you can easily reference it. Life, family and other things will continue to come up and throw a wrench into your best laid plans. Having the list to reference easily will help you to adjust quickly when needed. My list is written on giant paper and posted on my office window. Lastly, remember EACH DAY IS A CHANCE TO START AGAIN - NO ONE IS PERFECT so don’t expect yourself to be. Remember your priorities, focus on them as best you can and BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF! Take this time to renew and refresh and be grateful for what does happen during this time. If you don’t already, perhaps start a gratitude journal and at the end of the day log 5 things you’re grateful for from that day. At the start of the day, revisit your goals and what you plan to do for the day. Meditate and visualize your success. Allow yourself to be still and reflect and spend time going internally. The more you spend time on those sorts of things, the less “efforting” you’ll need to do to accomplish your goals. As you take time to go through the process above, reach out to myself, or others you trust, to get thoughts where needed. I’m here for you during this time, and so are many others! Let’s make the most of this time and come out with stronger relationships with our families, ourselves and God….while also having stronger businesses.
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