![]() Recently a client posted a reflection in our Coaching Club Facebook Group. Stacey Montgomery of Stacey M. Design has been a client for a little over a year. What she shared is a story most can relate to and learn from....... From Stacey to the Facebook Group, "I was originally going to send this post in an email to Michelle, but decided to share it with everyone in our group. It explains about my journey over the last few years and how I got to this phase of my business. It also explains why I am so excited. My excitement about this phase goes beyond the fact that I created a guided journal that I think will help kids. It represents me finally figuring out how to do what I want my business to do. Like many other entrepreneurs I had it in my head exactly where I wanted to take my business, but had not quite figured out how to do it. The things I was doing were fine, but there has been a feeling in the back of my mind that I still had not hit on it. So, here is the email that I drafted to send to Michelle that explains my mental journey and why where I am today truly puts me at peace. Sorry that it is so long." The email written by Stacey, "I must say that yesterday's mastermind/workshop was great! Yes, they are all great and I have gotten a lot of value out of each one. However, usually I get a lot more value out of the mastermind than the workshop. Yesterday they were equally valuable to me. I think the reason is that even though I have had this business for about 2 decades over the last 5 years or so I have been struggling to figure out where to take it next. The personalization was getting me down and paper products in general were not selling the way they once did.
So when it was time for the workshop yesterday, I truly had stuff to think about and plan that made sense for my overall mission and I was truly excited. Anyway, this is a long email to say that a lot of what you have been teaching is resonating with me more now because I finally figured out that long-elusive thing—how to move my business forward in a way that is scalable and in a way that maintains the spirit of what I have been trying to do all these years. :-) I look forward to next month's mastermind/workshop. BTW-- this does not mean I am getting rid of the rest of my product line. I am not. :-) Want to learn more about Stacey M. Design and all the awesome products she's created? Visit Stacey at https://staceymdesign.com/. Want to learn about how you can start looking at your business in a deeper way? Check out the Programs & Services that Z&B Consulting, Inc. offers including the Coaching Club 2.0 Program that Stacey was a part of.
Ever wondered what it looks like to be intentional in your business each and every quarter? Today I'm giving you a SNEAK PEEK into what my last quarter has been like. I started the year determined to put my business first by doing quarterly retreats with myself. You see, I walked my clients through taking a deep dive each quarter last year, but I never took the time to do the same for my business.
![]() ventured out online I could begin fishing in a new sea. As I looked at my plans drawn all over big white papers on the hotel walls, I realized that my quarter 1 focus needed to be getting online. I also realized that I didn't have the skill base (or time!) to do it in a way that would accomplish my goals. So, I would need to pull in an online team to carry this out for me. Knowing my goals were ambitious, the Jan priority was to find the right team so that the revenue could shift as quickly as possible (I talked about that process in my blog a few weeks back. Check that out here.)
When I looked at the revenue that would come in for the camp trainings versus the revenue from the online trainings, it became clear very quickly that I needed to put camp trainings into the parking lot and revisit them in 2018. This was a difficult thing to do because I LOVE working with camp staff and setting them up for an amazing summer. Fast forward to the last week of March when I assessed my first quarter and began planning for the second quarter. I'm so glad that I made the decision to put the camp training on the back burner because it allowed me to fully focus on my most important goal for 2017. I found the team in January and we began working in February. They've spent a couple months getting me out on social media and testing the results they get with each action. They've also spent time really getting to know me....and in turn forcing me to really get clear on what I do and to refine my services. This initiative is one that should start showing it's results in quarter 2 and continue to build in quarters 3 and 4, as well as in years to come.
As I sit and reflect on the last quarter and what I most need for quarter two, I realize that what I need is to add to my support team. I've spent way too much time in quarter one working at night and on the weekends and that's not in alignment with what i want for my business or my family. Unfortunately I had no choice because the business was going through such a growth phase and the money wasn't there to pay for additional support beyond the online team. I'm confident, though, that I'll be able to focus on this goal in quarter two. That's because revenue will start coming in during this quarter as a result of the things we've done in quarter one. Since I know adding to the support team is important, I will place money into a savings designated for this purpose. That way if an unexpected fluctuation in revenue occurs I won't have to go back to working crazy night and weekends. In a couple weeks I'll be going on my retreat for the second quarter. This retreat will be different than my first one because it's a personal retreat. I'm going by myself and taking time to be still and reflect on the things I want in life. I'll also be forming a foundation for continuing to be still during the quarter ahead, despite how busy life gets. Every January for the past 4 years, I've gone on a retreat with Beth Majersky of Simply Be Coaching and Retreats. I wasn't able to go this January and thought my time at the hotel would take it's place. As the year drew on, I realized how vital that piece was to my year and reached out to Beth to get it scheduled for April. Knowing that the focus of the retreat was personal, I still knew I had to take the time to deep dive on my business and I did that at home this past week. If you're reading this and thinking you would like to be more intentional in your business, I have some great ways that I can support you in doing that:
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June 2022
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