Your board is a critical asset for making sure your nonprofit organization is a success. They’re the ones making the big decisions that will determine which direction your organization takes next, but that can be easier said than done when the decision makers have to work as a team. Making sure your nonprofit board works as a team starts with making sure you have the right team members, so let’s look at some nonprofit board development strategies that will set you up for success. Identify and Implement Nonprofit Board Development Best Practices
Know Your Goals and Incorporate Them into Your Nonprofit Board Development StrategiesOnce you know what goals you want your organization to achieve, you can look for potential nonprofit board members who have the skills needed to achieve those goals. Getting your friends and family on your nonprofit board might fill seats, but it’s not necessarily in the best interest of your organization unless those people also have the right skillset. Establish Nonprofit Board Contribution Policies and Include Them in the BylawsOne of the most important steps to successfully recruiting a team member is to communicate your expectations for the role, and that’s as true of your nonprofit board members as it is of your staff and volunteers. To make sure everyone is pulling their own weight on your nonprofit board, you’ll need to establish policies on the minimum contribution you expect from each of your nonprofit board members. This could include everything from board meeting attendance to adding items to the board’s agenda or participating in board meetings. You might also want to vote on term limits for your nonprofit board members so you can be sure to free up space for new recruits. Have a Nonprofit Board Manual and Board MentorsIt can also help to assign a board mentor to each new nonprofit board member. Preferably this would be an existing board member who has been in the role for a while and can show your new member the ropes. Get a Strategy Rockstar to Identify Strategies for Your Nonprofit Board DevelopmentAs a Strategy Rockstar with more than 20 years of experience helping both small business owners and nonprofit organizations increase their revenue, I can help your nonprofit organization through any challenge. Whether you’ve been considering some nonprofit board development strategies, you need fundraising tips, or anything in between, you can schedule your FREE clarity call now so we can talk about how I can help.
It’s that time of year when everyone is talking about new year’s resolutions, and while I think that’s important enough that I wrote my own blog post on it a couple weeks ago, I also think it’s important to talk about some motivation tips. Life is a roller coaster with ups and downs, and that can be especially true of entrepreneurship as our businesses go through ups and downs. The downs can be especially frustrating when you’re working long hours and you think you’re doing everything right, but nothing seems to be working. It can be hard to stay motivated through all that, so let’s look at some motivation tips you can use to tackle your business goals all year long. Motivation Tip 1: Take a BreakWe all need to take a break every now and then, especially when we get frustrated. When we get frustrated, we can have a harder time seeing the mistakes we’re making or the direction we should be moving in because we’re just so focused on what’s not working.
something else for a while. It’s because focusing on the problem can make it harder to see the bigger picture, and by taking time to step back and think about something else, you give your brain space to “breathe” and work on that problem in the background while you do something else. Meditation is also a great way to clear your head, and it only takes a few minutes, so if you don’t have time for a vacation or a long walk, a quick meditation can be just as effective. Motivation Tip 2: Get Help
If you do want to talk to a business coach to provide motivation tips all year long, or just to provide the accountability you need to achieve your big goals for your business this year, I’m here to help. You can schedule your FREE clarity call with a Strategy Rockstar now to talk about how I can help keep you motivated all year long, no matter what life throws your way.
If you’re struggling to attract and retain enough volunteers for your nonprofit organization, there’s an important group you might have overlooked: young adults.
Get Involved with Young Adult Volunteering Programs of Local SchoolsMost schools offer some sort of extra credit for students who volunteer, and if you approach a local school that does not currently have a young adult volunteering program, ask if they’d be interested in starting one. Then you can volunteer to be the first nonprofit organization to join. Get on Social Media to Promote Your Young Adult Volunteering Program
Talk to Parents About Your Young Adult Volunteering ProgramFor the young adults you can’t reach directly, see if you can talk to their parents about the benefits of young adult volunteering programs. Most parents would be thrilled to have their children volunteering for a local nonprofit organization, and since they already know their child’s interests, they’ll have an idea of whether your organization is the right fit for their child before they even bring it up to them. Host Events to Grow Your Young Adult Volunteering Program
Get Help from a Nonprofit Strategy RockstarIf you’ve tried everything you can think of to build your young adult volunteering program for your nonprofit, but you feel like you’re not getting any traction, it might be time to talk to a Strategy Rockstar. You can schedule your FREE clarity call now to see how a Strategy Rockstar can help you achieve all your goals for your nonprofit organization.
It’s that time of year again. We’ve taken stock of the past year, sent it off with a glass of champagne (or your beverage of choice), and now it’s time to look forward to the year ahead and think about what you want this year to look like. What do you want to see when you look back this time next year? A lot of people focus on personal development when setting their new year’s resolutions, but many of us also have big goals for our businesses. I want you to have your best year yet for your business, so here are some tips you can use for setting new year’s resolutions for business success in 2022. Set Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for Business Success
Many business owners want to be making six figures, or even seven figures, but if you’re just starting out, that might not be realistic for you, at least not for 2022. By all means, keep those big goals for your 5-year plan and your 10-year plan, but for this year, start by taking stock of where you are now and what it will take to get you where you want to go. How much of that can you realistically accomplish in one year? You want to make sure it’s a little bit of a stretch for you, because we want to get you outside your comfort zone, but we don’t want you biting off more than you can chew. It’s a fine line to balance on, and it’s OK if you veer from that line a bit. Just don’t go too far off course. Delegate
If you’re just starting out and you don’t have a budget to hire someone else, get creative. Find someone who’s willing to barter. Offer an internship to a college student, or even a high school student who would be willing to work in exchange for class credit. If you have kids of your own who are old enough to type, put them to work. You already know which skills are their strongest, so find out where they can help you in your business when it comes to tasks that, either you’re not so great at, or you can do, but it’s not the best use of your time. It can be a great learning experience for your kids, and even a bonding experience for both of you. Make a New Year’s Resolution for Business Promotion Regularly and Consistently
But if you’re like a lot of small business owners, you’re committed to promoting your business when work is slow, and as soon as work picks up, promotion tends to fall by the wayside. Then business gets slow again because you haven’t been promoting your business. The key is to find a nice middle ground - something that will drive results, but that you also know you’ll be able to stick to when you only have a few minutes a day to pick up the phone or post on social media. It’s OK to hit the promotion a little harder when business slows down, but by setting a goal you can realistically keep all year long, you’ll be more likely to stick to it instead of giving up as soon as business picks up and you don’t hit your goal for a week or two. Make a New Year’s Resolution for Business Planning on a Consistent Basis
When people talk about business planning, they often talk about sitting down and writing a business plan, which is a very time-consuming process. That’s not what I’m talking about here. Instead, just take a few minutes, maybe an hour each week to take stock of your business. What went well this past week? What could have gone better? In which areas would you like to improve for next week? No one expects you to set or achieve huge business goals for your business every week. But you should take some time every week to check in with the big goals you set at the beginning of the quarter or the year and make sure the things you’re doing in your business each week align with those goals. If they’re not, it’s time to adjust so you can intentionally go after those business goals, no matter how big they are. As a Strategy Rockstar, my favorite thing is helping small business owners set and achieve their biggest business goals. If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and ready to make 2022 your best year yet, schedule your FREE consultation to get started.
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June 2022
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