Setting goals is important in every aspect of our lives, and while for-profit organizations tend to be known for being very goal oriented, it’s just as important (if not more important) to set goals for nonprofit organizations and lay out a plan for achieving those goals. In my years of working with nonprofits, I have known them to be very good at understanding their overarching goals of serving their communities in a specific way, but they often fail to aim for the smaller goals that can help them achieve that big vision. In order to make sure your organization is as effective as it can be, use these strategies for setting goals for nonprofit organizations. Take Stock of Where You Are Before Setting Goals for Nonprofit OrganizationsIt’s important to take stock of the goals you’ve already achieved and the wins you’ve already had, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Taking a look at what you’ve already accomplished can get you motivated to achieve bigger goals, which is part of why I think it’s a good idea to take stock of those wins before sitting down to set goals for nonprofit organizations going forward. Set Big Goals for Nonprofit Organizations by Figuring Out Where You Want to Be
Lay Out an Action Plan to Achieve Your Goals for Nonprofit OrganizationsAs the saying goes, a goal without a plan is just a wish. Rather than wishing for your nonprofit to grow, take the time to lay out actionable steps you and your team can take to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Will you need to raise more money? Find more volunteers? What steps can you take to get the things you need to reach your goal? Take Stock of Potential Pitfalls and Setbacks When Setting Goals for Nonprofit OrganizationsWhile it’s great to have an action plan to achieve your goals for nonprofit organizations, it’s important to remember that life often gets in the way of our plans, no matter how well thought out. Instead of letting pitfalls and setbacks blindside you, take some time now to think about some things you can anticipate getting in the way of you and your team achieving your goals for nonprofit organizations. Then identify ways you can get around those pitfalls and setbacks to achieve your goals. Of course, life will always throw things at us we can never anticipate, but it’s important not to let the unexpected hold us back. By trying to anticipate the ways in which things can go wrong, and coming up with a strategy to overcome those obstacles, you’ll be better prepared to handle whatever life throws your way, no matter how unexpected. Set a Date for Achieving Your Goals for Nonprofit Organizations and Take Stock on That Date
If you didn’t make it, that’s OK. Take stock of what worked and what didn’t, then set a new deadline and continue working towards that goal. It’s important to also take this time to acknowledge what you did accomplish in that time. Don’t fall into the trap of beating yourself up for not achieving your goal when that time would be better spent congratulating yourself and your staff for all the awesome things you did accomplish. Need Help Setting Goals for Nonprofit Organizations?If you feel like you’ve tried everything and you still feel stuck, it might be time to talk to a professional coach with years of experience helping nonprofits increase fundraising and grow their operations. You can schedule your FREE clarity call now to see how a coach can help your nonprofit.
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